Science Communications Agency


Update: Spring cleaning at 24 Media Labs

Here at 24 Media Labs we believe that the key to successfully communicating science is to make it interesting, understandable and relevant to your audience. So, in keeping with this message we've been having a bit of a spring clean. Here are some of the changes that have taken place in the past few weeks.

Our services

We've made a serious effort to streamline the services available from 24 Media Labs. Previously we wanted to provide a one stop shop for all your science communications needs. Whilst this might sound nice, it was getting a bit of mess for visitors and clients (and us!) to really understand what we were offering.

So we've decided to get rid of many of these services and focus completely on the core - helping scientists promote their science in the media and with the public. To achieve this, we now offer the following services:

  • Academic Writing and Editing: We believe that successful science communication campaigns should be built around published peer reviewed scientific discoveries. As such we are now offering an academic writing and editing service. This means that we can help you write, edit and produce your manuscript and get it ready for submission to your choosen scientific journal.
  • Science communication planning and strategy: Successful communications don't happen without a good plan. We've developed a seven point recipe for success to build upon the publication of your scientific research paper. We also think that you can also build a communication package based on multiple papers. We can help you plan and implement your strategy. Find out more here.
  • News Package Development: We've spent a great deal of time over the past few months trying to find out what makes a science story successful in the media. It's part luck, part judgement but the key is to get the attention of journalists and writers and not rely completely on a press release. That's why we've come up with the concept of news packages. We can help you develop one.
  • The Alternative Science News Service: This is our major new development and we hope it will grow and grow over the coming year. We're building a place were scientists can promote their work more widely in public and where journalists and writers can source interesting science related stories from. The ASNS is designed to grow the ecosystem of sources and content for the media interested in covering science. 

We hope that this streamlining of services makes it a little easier for you to understand what we do and represent. We want to help scientists promote their work and help journalists and writers build great content for their audiences. 

Services that we are stopping

As of today we are generally not going to get involved in any of the following activities: writing copy for leaflets, posters, brochures, internal scientific reports, web site copy, blog posts, presentations, newsletters, corporate communications, project reports, grant applications, instruction manuals, standard operating procedures, protocols etc etc. If you want or need any of these services, we can point you in the direction of professional science writers via the Association of British Science Writers who will be very willing to help.

We are also stopping the development of websites. For our current clients we will continue to host sites but we will not be able to offer any advice on the development or hosting of new sites. If you do need a website developing, we can provide you with details of who to go to for a great service.    

The Alternative Science News Service

After many months of work we have, what we believe, is the beginnings of a service in place. It has taken some time to trial the many platforms available and figure out how best to use them. Well, we finally made a choice and it's now in place. We'll be putting the finishing touches to it over the next few weeks. After that, it will all be about content. If you want to see how we're getting on, you can visit the ASNS here. It is currently located on

24 Media Labs is now mobile!

Yes, we've joined the race to go mobile and thanks to the chaps at JoomlaShine you can now view in all it's glory on the move. Check it out on an iPhone, Blackberry or some other smart phone and you'll see what we mean.


And finally... we've decided to publish our prices. In the process of starting 24 Media Labs, we were focussed on developing writing services. The rules of the game for setting prices were basically whatever we could agree with the client. This got complicated. With the change in emphasis of our services, we thought it was a great opportunity to simplify our prices at the same time. We hope that this clarity (and honesty) will help you decide whether to use our services. 

Next update coming soon!


Blogs | 24 Media Labs

‘Flu vaccine ‘breakthrough’ research published in… The Guardian? Another example of questionable practices and odd communication strategy appears to be emerging today. This time it's all about early stage vaccine research for 'flu being published in... The Guardian.

Prices and Rates

See our prices for 2011 and get a customised quote for our services.

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Science News Services

Alternative Science News Service (ASNS) @ 24 Media Labs

The Alternative Science News Service is designed to give journalists and writers a richer ecosystem to source science related stories from.

Promoting your Science

Helping Scientists promote Science

Find out how we can help you promote your science through the development of news packages and our science news services.

Academic Writing and Editing

Academic Writing and EditingAcademic publishing is a vital process in Science. 24 Media Labs offers writing and editing services for scientists in a wide number of fields.


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24 Media Labs
Postbus 28180
3003 KD, Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Tel (NL): +31 (0)10 892 8595

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